Littles by eMeMeM represents a new business in market with a BBQ specialty food - “pork & beef”, served as Sandwich, Finger Food, Burger or Main Dish (with fries, salad or sauces).
Littles by eMeMeM represents a new business in market with a BBQ specialty food - “pork & beef”, served as Sandwich, Finger Food, Burger or Main Dish (with fries, salad or sauces).
The entire MENU of the business includes different variations of this specialty, served in different parts of the day:
a. Morning - Brunch (Sandwich);
b. Afternoon - Lunch (Main Dish, Burger, Finger Food);
c. Evening - Dinner (Main Dish, Burger, Finger Food).
This specialty could be included in 2 big categories:
a. Fast Food (Finger Food, Sandwich, Burger and Main Dish);
b. Restaurant (as Main Dish, Burger).
…and, can be adapted, implemented and served in any international RESTAURANT/cuisine.